Adriana Rios Lopes
Research Areas:
Biology integrated to Toxinology
Laboratório de Bioquímica
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PhD in Biochemistry, University of São Paulo (2004). Scientific Researcher VI of the Butantan Institute. Line of research: Molecular physiology in Arthropods focused on enzymes and molecules with biotechnological potential and insecticides. Research productivity 2 CNPq
Ana Maria Moura da Silva
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Imunopatologia
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Research Areas: Structural Toxinology / Toxins and Biological Systems / Biology integrated with Toxinology Laboratory: Immunopathology Doctorate and Postdoctorate in Toxinology, works in the elucidation of mechanisms of action of metalloproteinases of venom of snakes and diversity of ophidian poisons.
Ana Marisa Chudzinski Tavassi
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Bioquímica
Currículo lattes |
Research lines: Bioprospecting and development Laboratory: Biochemistry Ana Marisa Chudzinski Tavassi: Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, (1978-1982). Master's and PhD in Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP, PhD from Institute Pasteur and INSERM (France). She completed postdoctoral studies at the National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires (ANMBs) - Argentina. Coordinator of projects aiming at public-private interaction. Experience in the area of Biochemistry, with emphasis on coagulation and fibrinolysis and on cell survival.
Andre Gustavo Tempone Cardoso
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Fisiopatologia
Carla Lima da Silva
Research Areas:
Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada
Currículo lattes |
I am interested in experimental models of inflammation with translational application. We used as a tool for intervention in the immune system, venom and toxins from Brazilian fish such as niquim, catfish, stingrays and scorpionfish for the study of inflammation and the innate mechanisms of neutrophil infiltration and humoral memory response with the differentiation of long-lasting antibody secreting B cells. I am especially interested in the use of zebrafish as a organism model for the evaluation of genetic and molecular mechanisms mediating the protective immune response.
Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Silva Jared
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Biologia Celular
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Research Lines: Biology integrated to Toxinology / Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Cell Biology He is a researcher at the Cell Biology Laboratory of the Butantan Institute. He works in Integrative Biology with a focus on Herpetology. His lines of research are focused on understanding the role of venom in the life of amphibians and reptiles. It deals with glandular morphological adaptations related to the defense of these animals against predators and microorganisms.
Catarina de Fátima Pereira Teixeira
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Farmacologia
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Research Lines: Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Pharmacology She holds a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of São Paulo (1990) and a postdoctoral degree from the University of Sherbrooke (1994). He is a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo (1979). Has experience in the areas of Pharmacology and Toxinology, with emphasis in the inflammatory process.
Daniel Carvalho Pimenta
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Bioquímica
Currículo lattes |
Research Areas: Toxins and Biological Systems / Bioprospecting and Development / Structural Toxinology Laboratory: Biochemistry Master’s degree in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (1997) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (2001). He is currently a scientific researcher (PqC-VI) of the Butantan Institute. He has experience in the field of Biochemistry, with emphasis in Mass Spectrometry, acting mainly on the following subjects: natural peptides, toxins and mass spectrometry.
Denise Vilarinho Tambourgi
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Imunoquímica
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Research Areas: Toxins and Biological Systems / Poisoning and Therapeutics / Structural Toxinology Laboratory: Immunochemistry She holds a bachelor's degree in biology from the Institute of Biosciences at USP (1980), a master's degree in immunology from the University of São Paulo (1987) and a doctorate in immunology from USP (1992). Has experience in Immunology, with emphasis in Immunochemistry working in the following subjects: Complement System, poisoning by Loxosceles spiders; Immunogenicity of animal poisons and toxins
Eliana Faquim de Lima Mauro
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Imunopatologia
Eliana Nakano
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Parasitologia
Felipe Gobbi Grazziotin
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução
Currículo lattes |
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences (UCS), a master’s degree in Zoology (PUCRS) and a PhD in Zoology (UNESP). Between 2012 and 2016 he was a post-doctoral researcher working at MZUSP (Brazil) and FSU (USA). Currently, he is a researcher at the Laboratory of Zoological Collections (LECZ), where he is the curator of the Herpetology Collection of Butantan Institute. He has experience in Zoology and Genetics, with emphasis in systematics and snake evolution, working mainly on the following subjects: molecular phylogeny, population genetics, bioinformatics, micro and macroevolution of snakes.
Fernanda Calheta Vieira Portaro
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Imunoquímica
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features a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (UNICAMP), and PhD in Biological Sciences (UNIFESP/EPM). She developed a Post-doc fellowship at the Butantan Institute. She has experience in Macromolecules Biochemistry, especially on animal venoms/antivenoms and in purification/characterization of toxins (proteases and inhibitors).
Geraldo Santana Magalhães
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Imunopatologia
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Research Areas: Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Immunopathology He holds a bachelor's degree in Biochemical Pharmacy from USP (1997), a master's degree and a doctorate in biotechnology from USP (2006). He is currently a research scientist at the Butantan Institute. He has experience in the field of Molecular Biology, working mainly on the following topics: cloning and expression of recombinant toxins in heterologous organisms, cDNA library, site directed mutation, mammalian cells transfection.
Gisele Picolo
Research Areas:
Toxins and Biological Systems / Bioprospecting and development
Laboratório Especial de Dor e Sinalização
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Research Areas: Toxins and Biological Systems / Bioprospecting and Development Lab: Pain and Signaling She holds a bachelor's degree in Biology from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1996), a master's degree in Experimental and Comparative Pathology from University of São Paulo (1999) and a PhD in Pharmacology from University of São Paulo (2003). She is currently a research scientist at the Butantan Institute. Has experience in the area of Pharmacology, working mainly on the following topics: pain and analgesia, poisons and animal toxins.
Inácio de Loiola Meirelles Junqueira de Azevedo
Research Areas:
Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada
Currículo lattes |
Research Areas: Biology integrated to Toxinology / Structural Toxinology / Bioprospecting and development Laboratory: Applied Toxinology He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Institute of Biosciences of USP (1998), a PhD in Biology and Genetics from USP (2003) and a postdoctoral fellowship from Instituto Butantan. He has experience in Molecular Biology, with emphasis on large-scale DNA sequencing, genomic and transcriptomic analysis of venom glands, biochemistry of animal toxins, molecular evolution of proteins and biotechnology.
Irina Kerkis
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Genética
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Research Areas: Structural Toxinology / Bioprospecting and Development Laboratory: Genetics Graduated in Biology and Chemistry in Russia from Tomsk Federal University (1978) and PhD in Cytogenetic from Institute of Cytology and Genetics (1989) from Russia. Has experience in Genetics, with emphasis on Animal Genetics. Works with isolation, characterization and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells from human adult stem cells and their therapeutic applications in animal models.
Ivo Lebrun
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Bioquímica
Currículo lattes |
Research Areas: Structural Toxinology / Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Biochemistry Graduated in Pharmacy from University of São Paulo-RP (1981) and PhD in Pharmacology from University of São Paulo-ICB (1990). He has experience in the field of Biochemistry, with emphasis in Chemistry of Macromolecules, acting mainly on the following subjects: bioactive peptide Tityus serrulatus, poisons, neurotoxins, and bacterial toxins.
Karen de Morais Zani
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Fisiopatologia
Leo Kei Iwai
Research Areas:
Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada
Luis Roberto de Camargo Gonçalves
Research Areas:
Poisonings and Therapeutics / Toxins and Biological Systems
Laboratório de Fisiopatologia
Marta Maria Antoniazzi
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Biologia Celular
Currículo lattes |
Research Areas: Toxins and Biological Systems / Integrated Biology in Toxinology Laboratory: Cell Biology She is a researcher at the Cell Biology Laboratory of the Butantan Institute. Has experience in the area of Comparative Anatomy and Morphology, with emphasis on Histology and Cell Biology. Her studies include the biology and natural history of amphibians and reptiles, acting in the chemical defense through cutaneous and oral glands, and of lizards and amphisbaenias, focusing the chemical communication and morphology of pheromonal glands.
Milton Yutaka Nishiyama Junior
Research Areas:
Bioprospecting and development
Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada
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PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of São Paulo and associate researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Toxinology (LETA) and Coordinator of the Center for Bionformatics and Computational Biology at the Butantan Institute. Interested in machine learning and neural networks models for predicting biomarkers and bioactive peptides, based on the integration of multi-omics large-scale data from Homo sapiens and non-model organisms, such as venomous and pathogenic animals related to public health, for understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern biological systems.
Mônica Valdyrce dos Anjos Lopes Ferreira
Research Areas:
Toxins and Biological Systems
Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada
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PhD in Immunology by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Immunology, University of São Paulo. Post-doctor in the area of Biochemistry and Pharmacology at the Butantan Institute. Research Scientist Level VI and Director of the Special Laboratory of Applied Toxinology (LETA) of the Butantan Institute. Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Zebrafish Platform and Diffusion Center for Toxins, Immune Response and Cell Signaling (CeTICS CEPID FAPESP). It works on the toxinological characterization of poisons and animal toxins, mainly of Pisces. With emphasis on the following areas: immunology, pharmacology and biochemistry. Implanted and Coordinates the Zebrafish Platform of the Butantan Institute where it develops works in the area of immunology and toxicity
Orlando Garcia Ribeiro Filho
Research Areas:
Toxinas e Sistemas Biológicos
Laboratório de Imunogenética
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Scientific Researcher at the Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Butantan Institute. It studies the genetic regulation of specific and nonspecific immunity components with biological significance in neoplasms, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases. In this context, it aims to give a particular focus on the immunomodulatory and therapeutic potential of Zootoxins (Venom and Toxins).
Ronaldo Zucatelli Mendonça
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Parasitologia
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Research Lines: Bioprospecting and Development Laboratory: Parasitology He holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from State University of Londrina (1980) and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from University of São Paulo (1995). He works mainly in the following subjects: culture of animal and insect cells, development of viral vaccines and Bioprospecting.
Roxane Maria Fontes Piazza
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Bacteriologia
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Research Areas: Microbial Toxins / Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Bacteriology Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from Federal University of Santa Catarina and PhD in Sciences (Biology of Pathogen-Host Interaction) from University of São Paulo. Scientific Researcher in Bacteriology Laboratory at Instituto Butantan. The line of research in microbiology is focused on bacterial pathogenicity, mainly bacterial toxins, and diagnosis, with emphasis on the development of antibodies and standardization of immunosorological assays.
Sandra Coccuzzo Sampaio Vessoni
Research Areas:
Laboratório de Fisiopatologia
Currículo lattes |
Research Lines: Toxins and Biological Systems Laboratory: Pathophysiology She holds a bachelor's degree in Biomedicine from University of Santo Amaro (1996), a Master's degree (2000) and a PhD (2004) in Pharmacology from University of São Paulo and a Postdoctorate in Department of Cell Biology and Development at University of São Paulo. She investigates the action of Crotoxin (CTX) on the functions and energetic metabolism of macrophages and how the immunomodulatory action of CTX interferes with the function and intracellular signaling of tumor cells microenvironment.
Vanessa Olzon Zambelli
Research Areas:
Laboratório Especial de Dor e Sinalização
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Research lines: Toxins and biological systems Laboratory: Special Pain and Signaling Laboratory Bachelor in Biological Sciences- Biomedicine at São Paulo State University, Brazil. Master and PhD in Sciences- Pharmacology at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Postdoctoral training at Butantan Institute, Brazil and Stanford University, USA.