Internal Rules

Internal Rules

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR OF THE BUTANTAN INSTITUTE, THE SECRETARY OF STATE HEALTH FROM STATE OF SÃO PAULO within the legal duties, consigning this Ordinance relating to the Rules of the Graduate Program "Stricto sensu" in Sciences - Toxinology.
Objectives and Titles
Article 1st. The Graduate “stricto sensu” of the Butantan Institute is aimed at qualification of researchers, teachers and other professionals in Toxinology area, encompassing the various areas of knowledge.
Article 2nd. The Graduate “stricto sensu” comprises a set of activities carried out under the Graduate Program, accompanied by supervision, specific to each graduate student, which include and emphasize teaching and research, aiming to integrate knowledge
Article 3rd. The Graduate “stricto sensu” includes two training levels, Academic Master and Doctorate’s degree, leading to a Master and PhD degrees, respectively, and the first is not a mandatory requirement for the second.
Article 4th. The Master and Doctorate degrees are obtained after fulfillment of the requirements of the course, including the defense of a dissertation or thesis.
Article 5th. It is considered a Master's thesis the text relating to the supervised work, demonstrating critical capacity for systematization of the existing literature on the topic discussed, and the ability to use the methods and techniques of scientific research, technology.
Article 6th. It is considered a Doctoral thesis a text referring to the work supervised of scientific or technological research that represents unique contribution to the state of the art of the subject studied.
Article 7th. The Master’s and Doctorate’s Degree will receive designations corresponding to area of Toxinology.
Administrative Structure
Article 8th. The Graduate Program at the Butantan Institute has the following overall organization:
I  Dean of Graduate Program
II  Graduate Commission (CPG)
III  Faculty
IV  Student Body
Section I
About Deanship of Graduate Program
Article 9th. The Deanship comprises the Directorship of Division of Scientific Development and its advisory bodies.
Article 10th Responsibilities of the Dean of Graduate Studies:
I  prepare proposals for institutional Graduate policy;
II  judge the implementation of proposals and managing institutional projects within the Graduate Program stricto sensu proposed by the CPG;
III  establish and maintain administrative and operational structures necessary to the activities of the Graduate Program.
Article 11th. The dean will be the Director of Scientific Development Division, being nominated by the Technical Director of the Instituto Butantan.
Section II
The Graduate Commission
Article 12th. The Graduate Committee is body for the academic management and deliberation on issues relating to the Graduate Program of the Instituto Butantan.
Article 13th. Composition of the Graduate Committee: The Program Coordinator, five representatives of the faculty and a representative of the student body.
§ 1st. The Coordinator of the Graduate Committee shall be appointed by members of the CPG, together with the Dean of the Graduate Program.
§ 2nd. The Coordinator will have term of office of 4 (four) years, allowed a consecutive renewal for the same period of time.
§ 3rd. The Vice-Coordinator will be chosen directly by the Commission's Coordinator of the Graduate Program among the elected members, its mandate held by four (4) years.
§ 4th. All members will be chosen by direct election by the faculty and will have term of office of 4 (four) years, one reappointment being allowed.
§ 5th. The representative of the student body, regularly enrolled at the Graduate Program, will be chosen by election by their peers and will have a term of office of one year, and allowed one consecutive renewal.
Article 14th. The Graduate Committee will meet periodically, convened by its Coordinator.
§ 1st The quorum for the meeting will be composed of the Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator and at least three other members of the Graduate Committee.
§ 2nd Decisions, except additions and modifications of this regiment, will be decide by a simple majority of those present. In case of a tie, the decision will be the responsibility of the Coordinator.
Article 15th. The Graduate Committee can:
I  draw up proposals for the creation or deactivation of concentration areas in the Program for approval by the Technical Director of the Instituto Butantan;
II  decide on the Course Standards and amendments proposed by the Faculty;
III  discuss the curricular structure of the Course and any amendments proposed by the Faculty;
IV  monitor and evaluate the performance of the Program;
V  decides on the accreditation and termination of faculty;
VI  decides on the maximum number of mentees by accredited teachers;
VII  decides on the maximum number of vacancies in the Course;
VIII  define the process of selection of candidates for the Course;
IX  define the assessment process of proficiency in foreign languages;
X  defines the assessment process of Qualification Exams;
XI  decides on the admission of candidates for the doctorate that do not have Master's degree or equivalent;
XII  deliberate on the detachment of students;
XIII  approve the equivalence of the title of Master degree given to Doctoral students, as well as the equivalence of credits already obtained by these students;
XIV  deliberate on justified discipline locking;
XV  decide on temporary enrollment locking;
XVI  propose to the Technical Director of the Instituto Butantan additions and modifications to the Graduate Course Internal Statute as approved by at least 4 (four) members;
XVII  define and consolidate the budgetary requirements for the implementation of the Graduate Program;
XVIII  analyze the accreditation of Faculty;
XIX  assist the faculty in preparing the content of each discipline and the curriculum structure of the course, for deliberation;
XX  decide on the composition of members for Qualification Exams, Dissertations, Thesis and Commissions "ad hoc";
XXI  follow the development of the academic career of members of Faculty and Student Body;
XXII  ensure compliance of these rules, the regulation of the rules and other relevant provisions;
XXIII  deliberate on cases omitted in these Regulations.
Article 16th- Coordinator of Graduate Commission Assignments:
I  represent the Graduate Course of the Instituto Butantan in different instances;
II  call the Graduate Commission, disclosing the meeting agenda previously;
III  call, when necessary, people outside the Commission for clarification of matters under discussion;
IV  appoints members of the Graduate Commission to report cases to be referred;
V  implemements documentation on the deliberations of the Graduate Committee;
VI  answer to CAPES, MEC and other instances about the program activities;
VII  observe and enforce the Rules of the Graduate Program.
Single Paragraph. The Coordinator of the Graduate Program will appoint the Deputy Coordinator who will represent and replace him when necessary and/or requested.
Section III
About the Faculty
Article 17th. The Faculty consists of doctors/PhD who have continuous and relevant scientific and technological production.
§1st The faculty will be distinguished as permanent faculty, visiting faculty and collaborators such as:
I  Permanent Faculty: researchers who are employed by the Butantan Institute and develop research, teaching and guidance, constituting the faculty core of the program;
II  Visiting Faculty: teachers or researchers with functional link with other institutions, which are released from the activities related to such bond to collaborate for a continuous and defined period of time or a full-time basis in research project and / or teaching activities in the program, acting as mentors and for outreach activities;
III  Collaborators: other members of the faculty of the program, including post-doctoral fellows who do not meet all the requirements to be classified as permanent or as visiting faculty, who participate systematically in the development of research projects or teaching and outreach activities and / or orientation of students, regardless of whether or not they have ties to the institution.
§2nd. The total number of collaborators, accredited in the Graduate Program shall not exceed 30% of the permanent faculty.
Article 18th. Faculty role:
I  teach and responsibility for the disciplines in the curriculum course;
II  exercise academic advising of students and guide the work of dissertations and thesis;
III  participate in meetings convened by the Coordinator of the Graduate Commission or by two thirds of the members of the permanent faculty course;
IV  opine on the offer of courses for each semester;
V  proposes amendments to the Rules of the course to the Graduate Commission;
VI  prepares the content of each discipline and the curriculum structure of the program, for approval of the Graduate Commission;
VII  comply with and enforce, within its jurisdiction, the Rules, the norms and the relevant provisions;
VIII  present students as possible candidates for the selection process for admission to the program under his guidance.
Article 19th. The Graduate Committee, will make accreditation of new faculty to the Graduate Program of Institute Butantan after productivity analysis of the candidate in the last three years, according to the rules of accreditation established by the Graduate Committee.
§1st. The accreditation will be reviewed annually.
§2nd. If the accreditation criteria are not met for two consecutive assessments, the advisor will receive a communication to improve his productivity. If it does not happen, he will complete the orientations in progress and will be subsequently disconnected from the program.
§3rd. The accreditation may be specific to a particular student.
Section IV
The Student Body
Article 20th - The Course Student Body consists of students admitted and enrolled regularly in the course.
Article 21st - The Student Body shall elect one representative and one substitute, with one-year mandate with the right to a consecutive renewal.
Article 22nd - Each student must comply with the Rules, the norms and the relevant provisions.
Admission to the Course
Article 23rd - For admission to the course, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
I  For the Master’s Degree:
a) be approved in the selection process to be defined by the Graduate Committee;
b) possess diploma or collation declaration of higher grade awarded by national institution, recognized by the Ministry of Education of Brazil (MEC), or foreign, with the revalidation of the diploma in accordance with the current legislation;
c) submit the relevant documentation, during the registration act and within the set deadlines.
II  For the Doctorate’s Degree:
a) be approved in the selection process to be defined by the Graduate Committee;
b) submit the proof of completion of the academic Master’s degree in the program itself, or another Graduate Program with recognition by CAPES, and all items set for enrollment in the Master’s;
c) submit the relevant documentation, during the registration act and within the set deadlines.
III  For the Direct Doctorate:
a) be approved in the selection process to be defined by the Graduate Committee;
b) possess diploma or collation declaration of higher grade awarded by national institution, recognized by the Ministry of Education of Brazil (MEC), or foreign, with the revalidation of the diploma in accordance with the current legislation;
c) submit, during the registration act and within the set deadlines, the relevant documentation;
d) present a letter of the supervisor and the candidate's academic curriculum justifying the unnecessary need of a Master’s degree, for further analysis.
§1st The graduate student enrolled in the program can be granted a transfer for the direct doctorate through justified request of his advisor to be evaluated at the time of the Qualifying Examination and countersigned by the CPG. In this case, the time already served in the Master’s degree will be computed in the time of the Direct Doctorate.
Article 24th. The Graduate Committee will link the candidate’s admission to the course to a prior acceptance of accredited advisor and his approval.
§1st the candidacy of graduates of higher education who have participated in undergraduate scientific research or undergraduate research programs will be valorized.
Article 25th. All students must submit the Research project during registration. The project should contain the basics concepts, the objectives, methods, literature review and the schedule of activities.
§1st. All students must submit a copy of their certificate of Regulatory Institutional Committees or Exemption Statement and the dissertation or thesis research project, with the approval of the advisor.
Article 26th. Every student of Master's and Doctoral degree must demonstrate proficiency in English by certificate issued by a recognized entity, selected from those indicated by the Graduate Committee, or other evaluation process set by the Graduate Committee, in the act of registration.
§1st. The holder of a Master's degree, who has performed proficiency in a foreign language during the Master, may have it validated for the Doctorate, according to the criteria laid down in the rules of the Graduate Program, approved by the CPG.
§2nd. The foreign student from a country whose official language is not Portuguese must demonstrate proficiency in Portuguese, as well as proficiency in English.
Article 27. Foreign candidates can only be admitted and kept in the Graduate courses when presenting a valid identity document and a temporary or permanent visa authorizing them to study in Brazil.
§1st. To formalize the request and / or extension of the foreigner staying with an identity card, the Graduate Program will arrange the preparation of all institutional documentation for him to obtain visas.
§ 2nd. The presentation of the documentation referred to in the caput of this article is a prerequisite for the registration of the foreign candidate.
Article 28th. By the judgment of the CPG, it can be charged a registration fee of candidates in the selection process, to cover costs relating to administrative services offered.
Article 29th. The Graduate student must perform the registration regularly in each school year, during periods and deadlines set by the Graduate Committee, at all stages of their studies, to obtain the title of Master or Doctorate. It will be considered for registration and re-registration purposes a 6 months semester.
§ 1st The enrollment in the Graduate shall be made by the Graduate Commission and will be valid during the period of permanence in the program.
§ 2nd The student under these conditions will be subjected to the general rules and regulations of the Program.
Special Students
Article 30th. Special students are those enrolled only in isolated disciplines with no ties to the program.
§1st. Special students are entitled to a certificate of approval in a discipline, issued by the CPG.
§2nd. The teacher responsible for the discipline must approve acceptance of a special student.
§3rd. The supervisor can accept credits in courses taken after graduation as a special student in the 12 months preceding the date of initial enrollment as a regular student.
Article 31st. Undergraduate students may be admitted for enrollment in the Graduate courses, as special students, provided counselors accredited in the Graduate Program refer them and are participating in scientific research activities.
Single paragraph. Credits obtained in the last 36 months may be computed as a whole to obtain the title of Master or Doctorate, in case the student is admitted in one of these courses and after he is approved in the selection process.
Article 32nd. The deadline for completing the dissertation or thesis in the Graduate unit is 24 (twenty four) months for the Master's Dissertation and 48 (forty-eight) months for the Doctoral Thesis and 60 months for Direct Doctorate.
§1st. The deadline mentioned in the caput of this Article shall be computed from the first registration of the student in the Graduate Program and ends with the deposition of their dissertation or thesis, subject to the procedures established by the CPG;
§2nd. This period may be extended for the Master’s and Doctorate for up to 6 months, with the request and justification delivered to CPG for analysis before the student completes 18 months in the Master’s program, 40 months for Doctorate’s and 50 months for Direct Doctorate;
§3rd. The students transfer request to the Doctorate will be analyzed if sent before the student completes 18 months in the program, must contain the reasons and be accompanied by a report with the steps already developed, clarification on the extended project and a new schedule for a maximum of 60 months in the Program.
Registration Shut Down
Article 33rd. The Graduate Commission may authorize the temporary registration shut down in special cases, if fully justified.
§1st. The shut down, if granted, may not exceed two academic periods, consecutive or intercalated.
§2nd. The period in which the student’s registration is shut down shall not be counted within the deadline specified in this Article.
Article 34th. The graduate student can take advantage of maternity leave for a period of up to six months, suspending the deadlines established within the Statute.
Single Paragraph: The following requirements for granting the maternity leave must be met:
I.  application signed by the student addressed to the CPG, accompanied by the birth certificate;
II.  maternity leave shall be granted for up to six months from the date of birth or adoption.
Article 35th. The student enrolled in the Master or Doctorate Program may be detached of the course in the following cases:
I  if fails twice in the same discipline or fail in three different disciplines;
II  if does not register regularly in two consecutive academic periods within the period specified in the academic calendar set by the Graduate Committee;
III  if fails for the second time in the qualifying examination;
IV  if does not meet the activities or requirements within the Statute deadlines;
V  by the candidate’s request 
Single Paragraph - The Graduate Commission may establish within the rules of the program, criteria for registration shut down based on poor academic and scientific performance.
The Graduate Activities
Article 36th. Courses from Master’s and Doctorate’s Program include mandatory, elective and special activities.
I  Mandatory activities include experimental work, qualification examination, teaching activities or extension activities and disciplines of the basic cycle.
II  Elective activities include regular courses and courses offered at other institutions.
III  Special activities comprise publications of scientific papers, internships in other institutions, participation in scientific events with presentation of papers (panels and / or oral presentation) and orientation of undergraduate students with research projects, with a tutorial supervision for doctoral students.
Article 37th. Each student will have an Advisor, among the Faculty members, approved by the Graduate Committee.
§1st. The advisor will indicate two (2) follow-up teachers, which will be defined at the discretion of the CPG;
§2nd. Doctorate students may, exceptionally, have a co-advisor, provided that their participation is duly justified by the supervisor and approved by the Graduate Committee.
Article 38th. The achievement in each Graduate course will be evaluated through tests, exams, seminars and works, at the discretion of the coordinator of the discipline, expressed by the attribution of one of the following grades:
I  Of Approval
Excellent: A
Good: B
Regular: C
II  Of Disapproval: D
§1st. When one of the grades of approval mentioned in the caput of this Article is not applicable, as for example, in oriented studies, seminars and research activities, the AP - Approved or R – Disapproved will be used.
§2nd. The failed student who obtains a D grade may redo the discipline. The approval, in this case, will nullify the previous grade.
§3rd. The following guides can be assigned:
I  Of Locking: J - assigned to the student who gives up a discipline with joint justification with his Advisor;
II  Of Transferred T - attributed to the activities whose criteria were transferred from another institution.
Article 39th. The student will have the right to lock up the enrollment in the discipline only until 20% of classes have been taught.
Article 40th. The Master's student must complete a minimum of 88 (eighty-eight) credits, of which 24 (twenty four) attending courses and 64 (sixty-four) for the dissertation; the Doctorate student must complete at least 172 (one hundred seventy-two) credits, 36 (thirty-six) in disciplines and 136 (one hundred and thirty-six) for the thesis, and for the Direct Doctorate the student must complete at least 172 (one hundred and seventy-two) credits, of which 36 (thirty-six) in disciplines and 136 (one hundred and thirty-six) for the thesis.
§1st. The title of Master approved by the Graduate Commission corresponds to 24 credits in disciplines in the computation for the Doctorate.
Article 41st. Every 15 hours/class corresponds to one credit.
Article 42nd. The attendance at classes and other activities of a course is compulsory, and the student who is absent in more than 25% of them is reprobated.
Article 43rd. At the discretion of the Graduate Committee, up to one-third of the credits obtained in disciplines in other stricto sensu Graduate Programs may be accepted.
Article 44th. Every Master's or Doctorate’ student must undergo a Qualification Exam in front of an Examination Board to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their knowledge, as well as their critical and teaching ability.
§1st. The Qualification Exam will consist of the oral presentation of the dissertation or thesis results.
§2nd. The Qualification Exam Committee will be composed of three members with a Doctorate degree, whose constitution will be defined by the CPG.
§3rd. The Qualification Exam must be requested within a maximum of 15 months for the Master's Degree, 30 months for the Doctorate and 48 months for the Direct Doctorate.
§4th. Failure to take the exam within the prescribed period may imply the student's disapproval, at the discretion of the Graduate Committee.
§5th. The student failing in the Qualification Exam will only have one additional opportunity to do it, up to 120 (one hundred and twenty) days after the first exam, when the same criteria will be applied and the student will be dismissed if there is new reprobation.
Article 45th. Every Master's student must defend, before an Examination Committee, a Dissertation that represents his individual work of research activity and demonstrates knowledge by the student of the topic addressed.
Article 46th. Each Doctorate student must defend, before an Examination Committee, a thesis that represents individual, original work, based on the research activity, demonstrating a real contribution to the area of knowledge.
Article 47th. The defense of the Dissertation or Thesis shall be made in a public session, at a place and time previously disclosed, in front of an Examination Board composed of three full members and two substitutes for the Master’s, and five full members and four substitutes for the PhD. The session will be chaired by the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Toxinology or by the thesis supervisor, at his discretion.
§1st. At least one member of the Examining Board of the Master Thesis and two of the Doctoral Thesis must be external to the Graduate Program in Toxinology of the Butantan Institute.
§2nd. At least one member of the Examining Board of the Master’s dissertation and two of the Doctoral thesis must be in-house to the Graduate Program in Toxinology of the Butantan Institute.
§3rd. The Examining Committee of the Dissertation or Thesis work shall issue an approved or disapproved opinion, and the approval of the work shall be done by more than 50% of the members of the Examination Committee and shall be recorded and signed by the members of the committee and by the secretary of the course.
From the Granting of Academic Degrees:
Article 48th. To obtain the titles are necessary:
I  Master’s degree
a) minimum of 24 (twenty four) credits in disciplines;
b) proficiency in English Language and for foreign students from countries whose official language is not Portuguese, Portuguese proficiency will be required;
c) approval in Qualification Exam;
d) approval of a Dissertation, corresponding to 64 (sixty-four) credits;
e) to deliver in the Graduate unit, up to a maximum of thirty (30) days after the defense of the Dissertation, the original dissertation in print and electronic version, in compliance with any recommendations of the Examining Committee;
f) to prove that there are no pending issues with the Library and the Curators of Scientific Collections, especially regarding the inclusion and return of biological material;
g) to prove compliance with the requirements of current legislation regarding the collection, access and conservation of genetic heritage, ethics in animal work and ethics in human work, and other regulatory commissions, when applicable.
II  Doctorate ‘s degree
a) minimum of 36 (thirty-six) credits in disciplines;
b) proficiency in English Language and for foreign students from countries whose official language is not Portuguese, Portuguese proficiency will be required;
c) approval in the Final Qualification Exam;
d) approval of a Thesis, corresponding to 136 (one hundred and thirty-six) credits;
e) to deliver in the Graduate unit, up to a maximum of thirty (30) days after the defense of the Thesis, the original version in print and an electronic version, in compliance with any recommendations of the Examining Committee;
f) to prove that there are no pending issues with the Library and the Curators of Scientific Collections, especially regarding the inclusion and return of biological material;
g) to prove compliance with the requirements of current legislation regarding the collection, access and conservation of genetic heritage, ethics in animal work and ethics in human work, and other regulatory commissions, when applicable.
Article 49th. Once the regulatory requirements have been met for obtaining the Doctor's or Master's degrees in the Graduate Program in Toxinology of the Butantan Institute, the Technical Director, “Pró-Reitor” and the Program Coordinator will issue the diploma. 
§1st. The Program Coordinator will send to MEC the pertinent documentation for homologation and the formal request for granting the specific degree and diploma, by the Butantan Institute, to the respective candidate.
Interinstitutional Master's and Doctorate.
Article 50th - The Butantan Institute may develop interinstitutional Graduate courses, provided there is complementarity between the academic interests of the participating institutions. 
Unique paragraph. The interinstitutional Graduate courses follow the rules of the other chapters of this general Statute. 
Article 51st. The types of Interinstitutional Graduate courses are as follows: Off-campus courses and Full Courses.
Article 52nd. The interinstitutional courses out of headquarters are those that involve the Butantan Institute as a promoting institution and the partner institution as recipient, having the following characteristics:
I  Promoter unit - The Butantan Institute responsible for academic coordination and for quality assurance promotion of the course offered;
II  Receiving Institution - Institution in whose campus the course is offered. It is responsible for offering the physical infrastructure and material resources required for the planned teaching and research activities and for the operationalization of the support granted to the course.
§1st. In the case of out-of-headquarters courses, the defense of the dissertation or thesis should be at the Butantan Institute.
§2nd. It is a requirement for the Receiving Institution to explain institutional and financial support.
Article 53rd. The Full Interinstitutional Programs aim at the development of Graduate courses in which the national and international institutions involved develop complementary activities aiming at the execution of an innovative academic project. The proposal process within the Butantan Institute will follow the same rules of procedure.
§1st. Associated Laboratories will be considered as laboratories of other Institutions, which will be responsible for offering the infrastructure and material resources required for the teaching and research activities planned.
§2nd. It is required for interinstitutional programs, the approval by the Graduate Committee of the collaborating or visiting advisor of the Receiving Institution.
Transitory and Final Provisions
Article 54th. This Statute may be amended by Law or due to provisions of item XVI of Article 15 of this Statute.
Article 55th. The Graduate Committee will solve the unresolved cases.
Article 56th. The Ordinance related to the present regulation will come into force on the date of its publication, being revoked the contrary provisions.